Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Chaos Is Better Than Disorder

To all those who fixate
on the alleged failures
and outright lies,
let me tell you that
I am sick and tired
that there is
no end of sighs.

If the truth be told,
it's that you long ago
made up your minds
on the matter,
and not because
of anything you'd
heard in the news,
but for the endless
bickering you felt
necessary to maintain,
even on the last night
of the State, when
you said you weren't.

I'm tired of it,
and history will make
a fool of you yet,
and you're never going
to care, because
that's never
what you were
interested in.

Chaos is better
than disorder,
a true sense of progress
better than tyranny
left to go unchecked.
And yes,

some days are
better than others.

That will always be true.

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