Thursday, February 14, 2008

Generation Divide IV

What I like about history
is that the concept
of the divide becomes
that much more blurred.
In our own time, we
seem stuck in with Boomers
and Generation X,
which have less to do
with events than general
understandings, eras.

Yeah, eras, that's
what it used to be
about. But we blurred
that something good,
that was our contribution.

Back in history, it
was far more amusing.
Homer wrote about
the end of the heroic era,
the great war at Troy,
where Nestor fought
in old age, to serenade
Achilles, who became
the most famous warrior
of any era, with tales
of Heracles, Jason,
and such legends.
Who can fathom the leap
from the two extremes?
Not today. Today
there are no legends,
just a sad lot of heroes,
all fiction, all who
struggle to keep
our attention.

In the time of eras,
perhaps before we started
to count world wars,
(and forever imagine
the next ones)
generations were within
families, and not much more.
They were far less abstract.

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