Monday, January 21, 2008

Who Is Al Gore Anyway? (a note from the future found in a lockbox)

As far as
I can tell,
some kind of
lecturer, a
it would seem,
who kept
popping up
in Futurama,
possibly because
his daughter
wrote for it.

Oh, I know!
He was the guy
who made G's
so interesting,
and gave
the Democrats
an excuse
to revenge for
the 1990s.

Oh! And the guy
who played
Willy Wonka's
deadpan boss
on SNL.

yeah! Clin Ton's
vice prez!

The dude
was happening.

Pity he
never ran
after he
figured out
how to be
a politician.
(He might have
spared us
the hat trick,
President Chelsea.)

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